Production network disruptions: evidence from the civil-conflict in Ethiopia
This study investigates the role of trade networks in economic shocks using the 2020 civil war as a quasi-natural experiment.
This study investigates the role of trade networks in the dissemination and amplification of economic shocks using the 2020 Ethiopian civil war as a quasi-natural experiment. It uses Value-added Tax (VAT) data from the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) to construct a detailed network of firm level supplier-buyer connections. Using a difference-indifferences strategy, it finds a significant negative impact of conflict exposure on firms located outside the conflict area.
This paper is part of the Private Enterprise Development in Low Income Countries (PEDL) programme.
Ayele Y and Edjigu H. ‘Production network disruptions: evidence from the civil-conflict in Ethiopia’ PEDL Working Paper 2024
Production network disruptions: evidence from the civil-conflict in Ethiopia