Programmes for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) In Uthungulu District Municipality, Kwazulu-Natal


The purpose of this descriptive study was to understand how OVC (orphans and vulnerable children) programmes are organized and implemented in uThungulu District Municipality, one of the 11 district municipalities of KwaZulu Natal province, South Africa. Orphans in this study are defined as children below the age of 18 years who have lost either one or both parents through death from any cause, HIV/AIDS included while vulnerable children are defined as those children who live in a household in which the care-giver is too ill to continue to look after them or children who live with very old and frail care-givers. Information generated from this study will complement efforts by the client for this study to develop norms and standards to guide operations of OVC programmes.

The following research questions were explored in this study:
1. Do the different OVC programmes in uThungulu District Municipality have the necessary capacity to provide care and support to their clients?
2. What is the perception of older orphans and vulnerable children regarding the support they get from OVC programmes?

Key findings of the study and conclusions are outlined.


ABBA RPC. Programmes for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) In Uthungulu District Municipality, Kwazulu-Natal. (2007) 4 pp.

Programmes for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) In Uthungulu District Municipality, Kwazulu-Natal

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Published 1 January 2007