Promoting children’s issues among politicians in Peru


Over the past three years, Young Lives Peru has been working with different networks that lobby politicians and monitor their commitment to policies concerning child welfare. One such network is Vote for Childhood. Since joining the group in 2009, Young Lives has begun to build the connections between research, practice and policy.

As part of a campaign run by the network to encourage all 2011 presidential candidates to sign up to a charter that committed them to improving the lives of millions of Peruvian children and young people, Young Lives has helped push for the inclusion of a reduction in the gaps between the urban and the rural children and highlighted how the most vulnerable children required higher investment and improved access to public services.

The Vote for Childhood network consists mostly of advocacy organisations, whereas Young Lives is a research project.While it is important for Young Lives to maintain a high level of research integrity, the programme recognises the benefit of collaborating with a wide range of organisations and that in doing so it will become more effective in getting politicians to commit to tackling childhood poverty.


Young Lives Impact and Learning - Case Study 4

Promoting children’s issues among politicians in Peru

Published 1 January 2011