Quality of Family Planning Services in Malawi: What can we learn from Facility Audits?


Data were collected about the equipment, staffing and functioning of 30 health facilities (half government and half non-government) by observation and questionning of the officer in charge of family planning. The following findings are discussed: facilities and opening times, commodities inventory, other services provided, working conditions, and information, communication and protocols. The facility audit showed the capacity of both government and non-government facilities to provide quality services, and there was evidence of enhancement of quality through use of client and staff feedback.


University of Southampton. Quality of Family Planning Services in Malawi: What can we learn from Facility Audits? (2003) Opportunities and Choices Factsheet 11, 2 pp.

Quality of Family Planning Services in Malawi: What can we learn from Facility Audits?

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Published 1 January 2003