Quick Guide: Capacity of implementing agents and partners to manage climate and environment risks

This guide has been produced as an online, interactive report.


This guide is part of the series produced for Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods Advisers in the Department for International Development (DFID). It has been produced as an online, interactive report.

The guide aims to help DFID staff understand and assess whether principal partners have the “Ability to Deliver” effective management of climate and environmental risks to DFID objectives in a specific programme. These risks could be identified through business case development when considering climate and environmental issues, when undertaking a due diligence assessment, or when reviewing the principle of safeguards under the DFID’s Smart Rules technical quality considerations.

The guide aims to provide guidance to DFID staff to enable them to appoint principal partners that are able to manage such risks. It sets out a 3 step process to assess:

  1. What capacity a principal partner needs to have in order to manage the environmental and/or climate related risks in the work it is being asked to do
  2. What capacity that principal partner currently has, on a scale from Very Low to Low, Medium and High
  3. Where there is a shortfall, what the most effective options to manage that gap

A Summary Flyer: Capacity of implementing agents and partners to manage climate and environment risks: Quick Guide is also available


Evidence on Demand. Capacity of implementing agents and partners to manage climate and environment risks: Quick Guide. Evidence on Demand, UK (2016) 8p.

Capacity of implementing agents and partners to manage climate and environment risks: Quick Guide

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Published 1 October 2016