Rapid Review of Physical Distancing and Alternative Disease Control Measures in South Asia

Overview of measures implemented to date and recommendations on approaches that can be employed to prevent the spread of COVID-19


This briefing paper was commissioned by the South Asia Research Hub in collaboration with DFID’s Research and Evidence Department’s Science Cell as a follow up to their briefing paper on the risks of physical distancing measures in LMICs.

The rapid review (and the policy brief) provides an overview of the physical distancing measures that have been implemented in South Asian countries to date and recommendations on approaches that can be employed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, with a specific set of recommendations for India.


Divya Nair, Nisha Hariharan, Raghav Adlakha: Sindy Li, Esther Zulu (2020) Rapid Review of Physical Distancing and Alternative Disease Control Measures in South Asia. IDinsight

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Published 11 June 2020