Regulatory and road engineering interventions for preventing road traffic injuries and fatalities among vulnerable (non-motorised and motorised two-wheel) road users

This systematic review examines the evidence in low and middle-income countries


The findings in this review are that reductions in road traffic incidents and associated injuries and fatalities as an outcome to engineering and regulatory interventions are well known and form the basis of existing road safety tools. In particular, high income countries have well established data collection, storage and processing capacities that could be exploited to benefit studies that could inform policies and programming in lower-middle income-countries (LMIC). Therefore, the value gained from this review would have been enhanced if the effect of similar interventions in high income countries had informed the review.


Gupta, M.; Menon, GR. ; Devkar, G.: Thomson, H.: Regulatory and road engineering interventions for preventing road traffic injuries and fatalities among vulnerable (non-motorised and motorised two-wheel) road users in low- and middle-income countries. A systematic review. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, Lodnon (2016), 93p

Regulatory and road engineering interventions for preventing road traffic injuries and fatalities among vulnerable (non-motorised and motorised two-wheel) road users in low- and middle-income countries. A systematic review.

Protocol - Regulatory and road engineering interventions for preventing road traffic injuries and fatalities among vulnerable (non-motorised and motorised two-wheel) road users in low- and middle-income countries. A systematic review

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Published 1 November 2016