Report on the Field Trial on Participatory Action Plan Development (PAPD).


The Participatory Action Plan Development (PAPD) for Consensus Building developed by the Centre for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS), Bangladesh, was field tested at Sakthikulangara, Kerala, India, from April 25-29, 2005. The field trial was attended by officers and select staff from partner countries of the Project Enabling Better Management of Fisheries Conflicts coordinated by the WorldFish Centre, Malaysia.
Before the conduct of the field trial, a pre-PAPD mock training was conducted at Mitraniketan, Kerala, to brief those involved in the field trial, particularly the co-facilitators and field trial staff, on the need to conduct the trial effectively and efficiently. Facilitators were invited from nongovernment organizations (NGOs) as well as government organizations. The Project Team from Mitraniketan, who had earlier attended the Bangladesh training, conducted the meeting. A copy of the meeting's agenda and the programme is given as Appendix 1 to this report.
The field trial was conducted in local Malayalam dialect and script in a fishing village at Sakthikulangara of the Kollam District of Kerala. The other non-Indian participants were guided by local team members with English translations of the happenings in the field trial. The Team adapted the CNRS PAPD facilitators' guide and followed closely the methodology, which they trained for during the PAPD Training-Workshop in Bangladesh from 20-24 March 2005. Guided by the CNRS Manual, the fisheries conflicts in Sakthikulangara were identified during the pre-PAPD surveys, literature review, and other relevant information. Sakthikulangara's fisheries conflicts involved three groups of fishermen engaged in crafts and gears in fishing. They were categorized as traditional, motorized and mechanized fishers.
The field test focused, however, on two groups: traditional and mechanized groups of fishers. The principal facilitators were assisted by a team of co-facilitators and assistants. An international group of observers from WorldFish and CNRS was divided to attend between the mechanized and traditional groups. This report covers the day-to-day programme of activities of the four-day field trial.


WorldFish Center, Malaysia, 18 pp.

Report on the Field Trial on Participatory Action Plan Development (PAPD).

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Published 1 January 2005