Resilience capacities of health systems: Accommodating the needs of Palestinian refugees from Syria

Examines a resilience framework on the functioning of UNRWA health systems in Lebanon and Jordan in the context of the Syrian crisis


Resilience is increasingly recognised as a key process mitigating the impact of shocks and stressors on functioning. The literature on individual and community resilience is being extended to address characteristics of resilient service delivery systems in contexts of adversity. In this study, the validity and utility of a capacity-oriented resilience framework (including absorption, adaptation and transformation) is examined with respect to the functioning of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) health systems in Lebanon and Jordan in the context of the Syrian crisis.

This research is part of the ‘Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC)’ programme.


M. Alameddine, Fouad M. Fouad, K. Diaconu, Z. Jamal, G. Lough, S. Witter, A. Ager, (2019) Resilience capacities of health systems: Accommodating the needs of Palestinian refugees from Syria. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 220, 2019, Pages 22-30,

Resilience capacities of health systems: Accommodating the needs of Palestinian refugees from Syria

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Published 31 January 2019