Résumé des résultats des enquêtes de base niveau ménage : site de Fakara, Niger. [Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Fakara, Niger]
This report presents the results of baseline surveys conducted in households of seven villages in Fakara, Niger under the CCAFS research program. The objective of the surveys was to collect all data and information on key household indicators including livelihoods, agriculture and management of natural resources, the need for climate information and risk management, and mitigation and adaptation practices.
Moussa, B.; Sissoko, K.; Zougmoré, R.; Dieye, K.; Amadou, M.; Moussa, A.S.; Forch, W.; Garlick, C.; Ochieng, S.; Kristjanson, P.; Thornton, P.K. Résumé des résultats des enquêtes de base niveau ménage :site de Fakara, Niger. [Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Fakara, Niger]. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark (2011) 19 pp. In French