Retrospective study of the progress, performance and impact of the Uganda Commercial Court 1996 - 2015

The study considers the performance and impact of the Commercial Court Division of the High Court of Uganda from 1996


The study considers the performance and impact of the Commercial Court Division of the High Court of Uganda (the ‘Commercial Court’) from its inception in 1996 to date, including the role that donor assistance has played in supporting institutional reform. Retrospective reviews over such a lengthy time frame are rare, with donor time-scales tending to be short term and based on relatively short project cycles. Bucking this trend, this study considers the extent to which the Department for International Development Uganda’s support to the Commercial Court from 2000-2005 has contributed to sustained reform today.

This research was funded under the Legal Assistance for Economic Reform (LASER) programme


Judiciary Uganda. Retrospective study of the progress, performance and impact of the Uganda Commercial Court 1996 - 2015. Judiciary Uganda, Kampala (2015) 71pp

Retrospective study of the progress. performance and impact of the Uganda Commercial Court 1996 - 2015

Published 6 November 2015