Review Meeting, 17-20 May 2005, Nairobi, Kenya
The review meeting under DfID-KAR R8346 Gender as a Key Variable in Energy Interventions: Are we Asking the Right Questions? was held from 17-20 May, 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya with the following objectives:
To present the findings and lessons of the case studies and empirical review to the CRGGE, discuss their implications and a strategy for moving forward with the reports
To synthesise the research to date at the level of a. methodology b. findings and lessons
To identify ways of disseminating and using our research to influence the international research agenda and programme and practice on gender, poverty and energy
To identify ways to increase and strengthen gender, poverty and energy research, and to identify partnerships for future research and prioritise the CRGGE's research for ENERGIA.
This meeting report includes the agenda, participants list, and summaries of presentations and discussions.
CRGGE. Review Meeting, 17-20 May 2005, Nairobi, Kenya. (2005) 61 pp.