Rice Production Economics at the Local and National Levels: The Case of Usangu Plains in Tanzania.


This report explores the production economics of paddy at the basin (Usangu), district (Mbarali), regional (Mbeya) and national (Tanzania) levels. It draws on both secondary and primary data collected between September 2002 and March 2003. The bulk of secondary data was gathered from the Mbarali District Agricultural Office; SMUWC database, Statistics unit and Crop Monitoring and Early Warning Section (CMEW), National Food Security Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Bank of Tanzania (BoT); Marketing Department of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing. Primary data was gathered using semi-structured questionnaires encompassing questions of rice production and marketing. The questionnaires were administered in three villages namely; Uturo, Ihahi and Ukwavila and a total number of 120 respondents were interviewed. In addition, 20 rice traders and transporters were also interviewed so as to get a greater picture of rice marketing both at the local and interregional or national levels.


Report for RIPARWIN Project, DFID-KAR Project No. R8064, Soil-Water Management Research Group, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, 53 pp.

Rice Production Economics at the Local and National Levels: The Case of Usangu Plains in Tanzania.

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Published 1 January 2003