Rwanda Pilot Case Study: PDIA in practice during the LASER pilot: Domestic Resources

PDIA is a problem-driven iterative adaptation approach to identify and deconstruct problems


LASER (Legal Assistance for Economic Reform) is a Department for International Development funded programme. It aims to improve investment climates in 8 developing countries by helping to identify and solve commercial law and justice problems, as well as sharing lessons about how to do this. LASER is managed by a consortium comprising KPMG and The Law & Development Partnership.

This case study was developed as part of LASER’s initial one-month pilot engagement in Rwanda. It explores how to take a problem-driven approach in supporting the Government and other stakeholders to identify and deconstruct problems. In this case it relates to domestic revenue losses arising from poor contract drafting and management. LASER’s experience in supporting stakeholders to help address these problems is set out in detail in a subsequent country case study. Together these all form part of a suite of LASER products on doing development differently.


Legal assistance for Economic Reform. Rwanda Pilot Case Study: PDIA in practice during the LASER pilot: Domestic Resources (2015) 5p

Rwanda Pilot Case Study:PDIA in practice during the LASER pilot - Domestic Resources

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Published 1 April 2015