Same day HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral therapy initiation affects retention in Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child transmission services at antenatal care in Zomba District, Malawi
Data from the Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program in Malawi
Authors conducted a retrospective cohort study of pregnant women seeking ANC at rural primary health facilities in Zomba District, Malawi. Data were extracted from standardized national ANC registers, ART registers and ART master cards. The ““model of care”” of Option B+ service delivery was determined at each health facility, based on the degree of integration of ANC, HTC and ART.
This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)
Adrienne K Chan, Emmanuel Kanike, Richard Bedell, Isabel Mayuni, Ruth Manyera, William Mlotha, , Anthony D Harries, Joep J van Oosterhout, Monique van Lettow§,(2016) Same day HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral therapy initiation affects retention in Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child transmission services at antenatal care in Zomba District, Malawi. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2016, 19:20672