Scale-up of ART in Malawi as reduced case notification rates in HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis

This study reports on the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy



For 30 years, Malawi has experienced a dual epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and tuberculosis (TB) that has recently begun to be attenuated by the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART).


To report on the correlation between ART scale-up and annual national TB case notification rates (CNR) in Malawi, stratified by HIV-positive and HIV-negative status, from 2005 to 2015.


A retrospective descriptive ecological study using aggregate data from national reports.


From 2005 to 2015, ART was scaled up in Malawi from 28 470 to 618 488 total patients, with population coverage increasing from 2.4% to 52.2%. During this time, annual TB notifications declined by 35%, from 26 344 to 17 104, and the TB CNR per 100 000 population declined by 49%, from 206 to 105. HIV testing uptake increased from 51% to 92%. In known HIV-positive TB patients, the CNR decreased from a high of 1247/100 000 to 710/100 000, a 43% decrease. In known HIV-negative TB patients, the CNR also decreased, from a high of 66/100 000 to 49/100 000, a 26% decrease.


TB case notifications have continued to decline in association with ART scale-up, with the decline seen more in HIV-positive than HIV-negative TB. These findings have programmatic implications for national TB control efforts.”

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


H. Kanyerere, B. Girma, J. Mpunga, K. Tayler-Smith, A. D. Harries, A. Jahn, F. M. Chimbwandira (2016). Scale-up of ART in Malawi as reduced case notification rates in HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis. Public Health Action. 6(4): 247–251. doi: 10.5588/pha.16.0053

Scale-up of ART in Malawi as reduced case notification rates in HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis

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Published 21 December 2016