SEACAP 17. Local Resource Solutions to Problematic Rural Roads Access in Lao PDR. Module 1 Report: Project Planning and Initiation


The SEACAP 17 Project aims to identify cost-effective community orientated approaches for improving all year access to remote rural areas through a low-cost and local resource based improvement of roads. The trials will be undertaken as part of the Asian Development Bank's (ADB) funded Northern Economic Corridor (NEC) Project by way of trial sections on the access roads linking Route 3 with the outlying villages.

The main activities completed under Module 1 were the preparation of the trial pavement designs, specifications and cost estimates and the drafting of the data collection programme, training and dissemination strategies. The SEACAP designs were incorporated into the NEC (Northern Economic Corridor) standard bid documents and submitted to MCTPC (Ministry of Communication Transport Post and Construction) in March 2005.

Appendices are available as follows:

  1. Project Area Map
  2. Project Organisation
  3. Activity Schedule
  4. Road Profiles
  5. Trial Pavement Structures
  6. Cost Estimates
  7. Project Database
  8. Knowledge Exchange Workshop


SEACAP 17. Local Resource Solutions to Problematic Rural Roads Access in Lao PDR. Module 1 Report: Project Planning and Initiation. (2005) Main report, 24 pp., plus appendices, 122 pp. Main report also available in Lao (32 pp.).

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Published 1 January 2005