SEACAP 2. Cambodia Transport Mainstreaming Partnership. Final Report.


The Cambodia Transport Mainstreaming Partnership (TMP) is a research, knowledge generation, dissemination and mainstreaming initiative for the rural transport sector. It is being carried out for, and with the involvement of, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) in pursuit of their development and poverty reduction strategies.

The SEACAP 2 initiative was designed to include the following components:-

Output 1 - Operational Transport Mainstreaming Partnership
Output 2 - Knowledge Products
Output 3 - Practical Demonstration
Output 4 - Website
Output 5 - Policy, Standards and Procedures
Output 6 - Improved Road Maintenance
Output 7 - Training Courses
Output 8 - Training Needs Assessment and Delivery (Human Resources Development Strategy)
Output 9 - Improvement of Road Safety

The activities and outputs relating to the various TMP components are described in this Final Report. The Key Outputs are:

* Operational transport sector forum (CNCTP)
* Operational website and electronic library of key sector documents
* Interim Rural Road Standards
* National workshops on key topics
* International Rural Transport Seminar in association with the World Road Association
* Review or guidance documents on Human Resources Development, Road Safety, Road Surfacing and Road Maintenance.
* Concept for a Transport Infrastructure Management system (TIM)
* Concept for a Poverty Impact Audit System (PIAS)
* BBC television World Service documentary transmission as part of the \"Earth Report\" series.


Intech Associates; TRL. SEACAP 2. Cambodia Transport Mainstreaming Partnership. Final Report. (2006) 46 pp.

SEACAP 2. Cambodia Transport Mainstreaming Partnership. Final Report.

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Published 1 January 2006