Seasonality of influenza and its association with meteorological parameters in two cities of Pakistan

A time series analysis


Influenza is known to have a specific pattern of seasonality the reasons for which are yet to be fully ascertained. Temperate zones show influenza epidemic during the winter months. The tropical and subtropical regions show more diverse influenza outbreak patterns. This study explores the seasonality of influenza activity and predicts influenza peak based on historical surveillance time series data in Islamabad and Multan, Pakistan.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Nisar N, Badar N, Aamir UB, Yaqoob A, Tripathy JP, Laxmeshwar C, Munir F, Zaidi SSZ. Seasonality of influenza and its association with meteorological parameters in two cities of Pakistan: A time series analysis. Sanyal M, editor. PLOS ONE. 2019;14(7):e0219376.

Seasonality of influenza and its association with meteorological parameters in two cities of Pakistan: A time series analysis

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Published 19 July 2019