Simulating yield response of rice to salinity stress with the AquaCrop model

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) AquaCrop model simulates crop responses to deficit water applications


The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) AquaCrop model has been widely applied throughout the world to simulate crop responses to deficit water applications. However, its application to saline conditions is not yet reported, though saline soils are common in coastal areas. In this study, we parameterized and tested AquaCrop to simulate rice yield under different salinity regimes.


Mondal, S., Saleh, A.Fazal M., Akanda, M.Abdur Razz, Biswas, S.K., Moslehuddin, A.Zofar Md, Zaman, S., Lázár, A.N., Clarke, D., Simulating yield response of rice to salinity stress with the AquaCrop model, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol.17, pp.1118-1126, 2015

Simulating yield response of rice to salinity stress with the AquaCrop model

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Published 1 March 2015