Stackwood volume estimations for miombo woodlands in Malawi


One metre billets of known volume were piled in 1 m<sup>3</sup> stacks to estimate a stacked to solid volume conversion ratio. An average conversion factor of 0.44 for stacked to solid volume was calculated. Mean stackwood yield (m<sup>3</sup>) per m<sup>2</sup> of basal area removed was 16.1 m<sup>3</sup>m<sup>-2</sup>. Stand basal area (m<sup>2</sup>ha<sup>-1</sup>) and height (m) varied between sample plots. There was no significant correlation between total plot basal area (m<sup>2</sup>) and yield (m<sup>3</sup>) per m<sup>2</sup> basal area removed, but there was a significant correlation between tree height (m) and yield. Regression models of stackwood yield against basal area removed and mean height were developed for the estimation of stackwood volume for miornbo woodland in Malawi.


Lowore, J.D.; Abbot, P.G.; Warren, M. Stackwood volume estimations for miombo woodlands in Malawi. Commonwealth Forestry Review (1994) 73 (3) 193-197.

Stackwood volume estimations for miombo woodlands in Malawi

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Published 1 January 1994