State-business relations: Topic guide
This guide summarises some of the most rigorous evidence on the main issues, debates and challenges of state-business relations
State-business relations in low income countries are seen as a key determinant of inclusive growth and of structural transformation – shifts in economic structure to more productive activities and sectors. Effective state-business relations can boost economic growth by increasing the rate and the productivity of investment.
State-business relations can take the form of formal, regular co-ordination or informal ad hoc interactions, and their scope can include the whole economy or target specific sectors, types of firms or policy processes.
This Topic Guide summarises some of the most rigorous available evidence on the key issues, debates and challenges of state-business relations, and discusses the implications for research, policy and programming.
Sen, K. State-business relations: Topic guide. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2015) 38 pp.