Stopping the intergenerational transmission of poverty: Research highlights and policy recommendations. CPRC Working Paper No. 214.


This paper presents a synthesis of work on the intergenerational transmission (IGT) of poverty by the Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CRPC). In doing so, it builds on two earlier reviews - The intergenerational transmission of poverty: an overview (Bird, 2007) and How is poverty transmitted intergenerationally and what might be done to stop it in its tracks? (Bird, 2010) - and on the findings of work commissioned by the CRPC or undertaken directly by CPRC research teams. It also from time to time contextualises these findings by referring to the work of other researchers.


Bird, K. Stopping the intergenerational transmission of poverty: Research highlights and policy recommendations. CPRC Working Paper No. 214. Chronic Poverty Research Centre, London, UK (2011) 55 pp. ISBN 978-1-908536-11-2

Stopping the intergenerational transmission of poverty: Research highlights and policy recommendations. CPRC Working Paper No. 214.

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Published 1 January 2011