Strengthening Research - Industry Collaborations in Africa: Rapid Evidence Assessment

This paper highlights key issues affecting technology transfer and research commercialization in Africa


Technology transfer, knowledge exchange and commercialization of research findings remains a key concern for governments, development partners, the private sector and other innovation practitioners. While new knowledge is generated mainly by the public research organizations and demanded by the private sector, mechanisms for connecting and facilitating knowledge flows and technology exchange between the research organizations and the private sector has remained a challenge. The science granting councils play an important role in brokering, facilitating, funding and coordinating interactions amongst science systems actors. In so doing, they confront key challenges including inadequate investments in knowledge production, imperfect channels, mechanisms and platforms for information exchange and inadequate capacities for knowledge and technology uptake. Through a situational and landscaping analysis involving documentary reviews, interviews, thematic analysis, stakeholder surveys and case studies, this paper highlights key issues affecting technology transfer and research commercialization in Africa including: platforms for interactive dialogue with the private sector; funding for research and innovation; innovation and commercialization infrastructure; skills and capacities in intellectual property management, technology transfer and commercialization; communication strategies and monitoring frameworks and the need for policy, regulatory and institutional reforms.

The paper presents the context and sets out key ideological, philosophical and organizational factors undermining research–industry collaborations and the strategic responses by the SGCs in addressing the challenges. Issues and concerns from a diverse group of stakeholders are distilled into themes around which evidence of opportunities, successes and challenges are presented as case studies. Bolstered by lessons from a major continental initiative – the Science Granting Council Initiative (SGCI) Annual Forums, the paper concludes by analysing the status of technology transfer and commercialization in Africa.


Bolo, Maurice (2020) Strengthening Research - Industry Collaborations in Africa: Rapid Evidence Assessment Nairobi: Scinnovent Centre

Strengthening Research - Industry Collaborations in Africa: Rapid Evidence Assessment

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Published 20 October 2020