Struggles against the regressive proposed family law: The unlikely unity of Islamist and secular feminists in Iran.


The government of President Ahamadi Nezhard in Iran introduced a new family bill to the parliament which would have annulled many modest reforms that women had managed to bring about in Iran. The women’s groups from diverse perspectives ranging from secular to “Islamist feminists” who had never directly collaborated came together to fight against this bill. The central focus of this paper is to examine what were the conditions that had made it possible for women to work together across their ideological divides and adopt common strategies in their struggle.


Roundtable: ‘Negotiating alliances, overcoming oppositions: women’s movements and other social movements, 13 November 2008. 4 pp.

Struggles against the regressive proposed family law: The unlikely unity of Islamist and secular feminists in Iran.

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Published 1 January 2008