Supporting the Delivery of High Quality Research in Somalia

This is an evaluation report of the Research Capacity Building (RCB) project


This is an evaluation report of the Research Capacity Building (RCB) project. Using the‘big 5’ themes of Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability, the evaluation sought to establish whether the project achieved its targets and goals and whether this has contributed to long-term capacity improvement in research and training at the targeted institutions. These institutions are the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Hargeisa and the Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Capacity Development at the Puntland State University - in collaboration with the Rift Valley Institute .

This report was undertaken within the ‘Strengthening Research Systems for Poverty Reduction in East Africa’ Programme of the Department for International Development (DFID) East African Research Hub


Intermedia Development Consultants (2018) Supporting the delivery of high quality research in Somalia.

Supporting the Delivery of High Quality Research in Somalia

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Published 31 May 2018