Sustainability and Value For Money in WASH


These presentations (“Operational sustainability of WASH services: findings of nationally representative household surveys and regional assessments” and “How can VFM analysis be used in the WASH sector? Evidence from 6 DFID programmes’ studies”) were given at the 'Sustainability and Value for Money - Using Data to Improve the Performance of WASH Investments' event held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 11th May 2015.


Trémolet, S.; Prat, M.-A.; Evans, B.E.; Ross, I.; Mujica, A.; Tincani, L. Sustainability and Value For Money in WASH. Presented at Sustainability and Value for Money - Using Data to Improve the Performance of WASH Investments (11 May 2015). Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK 47 pp.

Sustainability and Value For Money in WASH

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Published 1 January 2015