Systematic Numbering of Vegetative Compatibility Groups in the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium oxysporum


Alabouvette, C.; Baayen, R.P.; Bentley, S.; Brayford, D.; Coddington, A.; Correll, J.; Daboussi, M.J.; Elias, K.; Fernandez, D.; Gordon, T.R.; Katan, T.; Kim, H.G.; Kistler, H.C.; Leslie, J.F.; Martyn, R.D.; Migheli, Q.; Moore, N.Y.; O’ Donnell, K.; Ploetz, R.C.; Rutherford, M.A.; Summerell, B.; Waalwijk, C.; Woo, S. Systematic Numbering of Vegetative Compatibility Groups in the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Phytopathology (1998) 88 (1) 30-32. [DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO.1998.88.1.30]

Systematic Numbering of Vegetative Compatibility Groups in the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium oxysporum

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Published 1 January 1998