Temporary Employment Services in South Africa: A Brief Note
Data for most of the analysis is drawn from representative labour force surveys, and where possible, employer information garnered through interviews
In the context of a small, open economy such as South Africa, facing possibly one of the highest open unemployment rates in the world, the nature of its labour demand trajectory is of particular interest. In this brief note, we assess the role played in temporary employment services in contributing to employment growth in post-apartheid South Africa. In addition though, given the rise of this form of employment in the country, we assess the demand-side incentive to employers who opt for this form of hiring practice. Data for most of the analysis is drawn from representative labour force surveys, and where possible, employer information garnered through interviews.
Bhorat, H.; van der Westhuizen, C. Temporary Employment Services in South Africa: A Brief Note. The World Bank, Washington DC, USA (2012) ii + 12 pp.