The Cochrane Corner in the South African Medical Journal (SAMJ)

Summaries of Cochrane systematic reviews for evidence-informed practice


This editorial introduces a regular contribution from Cochrane South Africa to the South African Medical Journal, which will be called the ‘Cochrane Corner’. The contribution takes the form of technical summaries of Cochrane systematic reviews handpicked for their relevance to South Africa and the African region. The goal is to help ensure that the high-quality evidence in Cochrane reviews reaches a wider audience.

This research is supported by the Department for International Development’s Evidence Building and Synthesis Research Programme which is led by Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


Tamara Kredo, Taryn Young, Charles S Wiysonge, Michael McCaul, James Volmink The Cochrane Corner in the SAMJ: Summaries of Cochrane systematic reviews for evidence-informed practice. South African Medical Journal, Vol 105, No 7 (2015) DOI: 10.7196/SAMJnew.8035

The Cochrane Corner in the SAMJ: Summaries of Cochrane systematic reviews for evidence-informed practice

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Published 1 July 2015