The Motivations, Constraints, and Behaviour of Tanzania's Frontline Education Providers

This study leverages data from a nationwide survey conducted in 2019 to shed light on Ward Education Officers in Tanzania


In this note, we leverage data from a nationwide survey conducted in 2019 to shed light on what Ward Education Officers (WEO) in Tanzania do, their understanding of their own role, and the constraints they face in executing their responsibilities. We interviewed 397 WEOs responsible for primary schools across 23 districts and six regions of Tanzania as part of a baseline survey conducted between February and May 2019. This note contributes to a growing literature on the activities, self-perceptions, and motivation of public sector officials in charge of “last mile” service delivery.

This work is part of the ‘Research on Improving Systems of Education’ (RISE) programme


Cilliers, J. and Oza, S. 2020. The Motivations, Constraints, and Behaviour of Tanzania’s Frontline Education Providers. RISE Insight Series. 2020/023.

The Motivations, Constraints, and Behaviour of Tanzania’s Frontline Education Providers

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Published 18 November 2020