The Role of Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Mitigation for Affected Youth in South Africa and Mozambique
This study provides an initial examination of the potential of open, distance and flexible learning (ODFL) to mitigate the affects of HIV and AIDS on young people, through an examination of experiences from Mozambique and South Africa. It analyses national AIDS policy and identifies major ODFL initiatives to translate this policy into practice. It explores the learning needs and favourite ways of learning of young people affected by HIV and AIDS, and suggests ways for ODFL to support and extend the work of existing infrastructures. The central argument in this monograph is that to confront AIDS, and to meet Millennium Development Goals in high HIV prevalence countries, governments must move beyond current efforts to accelerate conventional responses. They must grasp the opportunity to transform the education system, to deliver education more flexibly and to empower young people to participate in moving their communities towards the post-AIDS era. To do this, the full and strategic support of the entire education community, including those with expertise in planning and programming for ODFL, will need to be harnessed.
The report is organised into six sections. The first section introduces the study, reviews educational responses to HIV and AIDS and considers what ODFL can achieve. The second section reviews literature on the affects of HIV and AIDS on young people. The third section examines national HIV/ AIDS policy in South Africa and Mozambique. The fourth section identifies major ODFL initiatives being undertaken to translate this policy into practice at the national level. This leads to the fifth section, which examines examples of grassroots initiatives to translate policy into practice and explores the learning needs, aspirations and favourite ways of learning of young people. In the sixth and final section the findings are synthesised and discussed and suggestions made for further developing the ODFL provision.
Pridmore, P.; Yates, C. The Role of Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Mitigation for Affected Youth in South Africa and Mozambique. (2006) 124 pp. ISBN 1 86192 7959