The shift in tuberculosis timing among people living with HIV in the course of antiretroviral therapy scale‐up in Malawi.

The incidence of TB and the proportion of HIV-associated TB cases among patients living with HIV who are receiving ART


Although the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB), patients living with HIV receiving ART remain at a higher risk of developing TB compared to those without HIV. The authors investigated the incidence of TB and the proportion of HIV-associated TB cases among patients living with HIV who are receiving ART.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Tweya H, Feldacker C, Mpunga J, Kanyerere H, Heller T, Ganesh P, Nkosi D, Kalulu M, Sinkala G, Satumba T, Phiri S. The shift in tuberculosis timing among people living with HIV in the course of antiretroviral therapy scale‐up in Malawi. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2019;22(4):e25240.

The shift in tuberculosis timing among people living with HIV in the course of antiretroviral therapy scale‐up in Malawi

Published 30 April 2019