Thermal tolerance of potential Trichogramma strains for mass-production and paddy field release in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Effects of high temperatures on life history traits were compared among 3 strains of Trichogramma chilonis and 2 strains of T. ostriniae


To identify suitable Trichogramma strains for mass production and successful control of key lepidopteran pests in paddy fields in the Greater Mekong Subregion, the effects of high temperatures on life history traits were compared among 3 strains of Trichogramma chilonis and 2 strains of T. ostriniae, collected from paddy fields in the region.


Guo, L., Jiao, X., Song, K., Babendreier, D., Zhang, F. and Hou, M. (2017) Thermal tolerance of potential Trichogramma strains for mass-production and paddy field release in the Greater Mekong Subregion. BioControl 62(6), 731–740.

Thermal tolerance of potential Trichogramma strains for mass-production and paddy field release in the Greater Mekong Subregion (Subscription required)

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Published 1 December 2017