Topic Guide: Economic Statistics

This guide provides an overview of the regularly produced economic statistics and the relevant international standards for them


The aim of this publication is to provide an overview of the most important regularly produced economic statistics and the relevant international standards for each of them. It enables readers to be aware of the most important issues and thus to know what questions to ask to be able to use the available economic statistics in a developing country to for analysis and to inform decisions.

The guide is a reference document and has been drafted so readers can move straight to the section that interests them; they do not necessarily have to read it all. Technical terms are highlighted in italics with hyperlinks to the glossary at the end of the guide. Hyperlinks are also provided to reference documents for further reading on a specific topic.


Turnbull, P.; Powell, M.; Uppal, V.; Pijuan, A. Topic Guide: Economic Statistics. EPS PEAKS, UK (2014) 97 pp.

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Published 1 January 2014