Topic Guide: low-cost private schools - evidence, approaches and emerging issues.

This guide discusses emerging approaches to low-cost private schools and lessons learnt


Over the past five years, a polarised debate about the potential contribution of low-cost private schools (LCPSs) to achieving Education for All (EFA) objectives has received growing coverage in international policy circles. At the heart of this debate are disputed questions about whether these schools are providing quality education, reaching disadvantaged groups, supporting or undermining equality (including between girls and boys), affordable for the poor and financially sustainable.

This topic guide synthesises the best available evidence on these questions. It examines the main challenges development agencies seeking to understand and support LCPSs have encountered to date, documenting emerging approaches and lessons learnt.


Mcloughlin, C. Topic Guide: low-cost private schools - evidence, approaches and emerging issues. EPS PEAKS, UK (2013) 35 pp.

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Published 1 January 2013