Transitions between growth episodes: Do institutions matter and do some institutions matter more?

This paper examines the institutional and political determinants of the timing of growth episodes.


This paper examines the institutional and political determinants of the timing of growth episodes. The authors extend the earlier literature on the determinants of the onset of growth accelerations and decelerations by providing a more generalised approach to understanding growth episode transitions. They differentiate between six types of growth episodes – from growth collapses (where the episode specific growth rate, g, is -2 per year), to negative growth (g between -2 and 0), stagnation (g between 0 and +2), stable growth (g between +2 and +4), moderate growth (g between +4 and +6), and rapid growth (g over +6). Using multinomial logit models, in the context of a panel dataset of 125 countries from 1984 to 2010, they examine the likelihood of switching from one growth episode to another growth episode. They find that though bureaucracy quality has a positive effect while switching from negative growth episodes to positive growth episodes, it does not matter in most of the cases of switching from stable or moderate positive growth episodes to rapid positive growth episodes. Both contract viability and democratisation can explain the switching from negative growth episodes to positive growth episodes. Contract viability and democracy can also explain the movements from lower positive growth episodes to higher positive growth episodes. However, while contract viability is important for moving from stable or moderate positive growth episodes to rapid growth episodes, democracy is not important in explaining such switches. This suggests that while better economic and political institutions matter in taking a country from growth collapses to stable growth, economic institutions matter more than the political institutions for the transition from stable growth to rapid growth.

This work is part of the Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre programme


Raihan, S., Kar, S. and Sen, K. (2018) Transitions between growth episodes: Do institutions matter and do some institutions matter more. ESID Working Paper No. 99. Manchester, UK: The University of Manchester.

Transitions between growth episodes: Do institutions matter and do some institutions matter more?

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Published 9 April 2018