Transitions: Informal Transport Compendium Report

A literature review to establish the ‘state of knowledge’ and appraisal of gaps requiring further research


The purpose of this report is to review the state of knowledge in the field of informal public transport in Sub-Saharan African cities, and to identify important gaps in knowledge from the perspective of formulating policy interventions with prospects for delivering low carbon, affordable and safe mass transport. The scope of the review was limited to informal transport vehicles providing public transport services, commonly in the form of minibuses. The literature search used database keywords, backward snowballing, and prominent author searches, in relation to nine topics and 6 cities (Accra, Cape Town, Freetown, Harare, Kumasi and Maputo), and yielded 386 publications.

This is an output of the High Volume Transport Applied Research Programme


Roger Behrens, Simon Saddier, Laurie Pickup and Tim Durant (2021) Transitions: Informal Transport Compendium Report: A literature review to establish the ‘state of knowledge’ and appraisal of gaps requiring further research

Transitions: Informal Transport Compendium Report: A literature review to establish the ‘state of knowledge’ and appraisal of gaps requiring further research

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Published 29 June 2021