Understanding the menstrual hygiene management challenges facing displaced girls and women

Findings from qualitative assessments in Myanmar and Lebanon


There is a significant gap in empirical evidence on the menstrual hygiene management (MHM) challenges faced by adolescent girls and women in emergency contexts, and on appropriate humanitarian response approaches to meet their needs in diverse emergency contexts. To begin filling the gap in the evidence, we conducted a study in two diverse contexts (Myanmar and Lebanon), exploring the MHM barriers facing girls and women, and the various relevant sectoral responses being conducted (e.g. water, sanitation and hygiene, Protection, Health, Education and Camp Management).

This research was supported by the Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme


Schmitt, M.L., Clatworthy, D., Ratnayake, R. et al. Understanding the menstrual hygiene management challenges facing displaced girls and women: findings from qualitative assessments in Myanmar and Lebanon. Confl Health 11, 19 (2017).

Understanding the menstrual hygiene management challenges facing displaced girls and women: findings from qualitative assessments in Myanmar and Lebanon

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Published 16 October 2017