Urbanization in developing economies: the assessment

This research compares the experience of different countries and analyses the causes of their different performance


Urbanisation is an inherent part of economic development, yet its success in delivering jobs, productivity, and livability varies widely. This issue of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy compares the experience of different countries and analyzes the causes of their different performance. Cities are policy intensive, requiring public provision of infrastructure, regulation, and coordination. This in turn requires authorizing environments with a sufficiently broad span of control, and correspondingly powerful checks and balances to prevent abuse.

This paper is a part of a Global Research Program on Spatial Development of Cities, funded by the Multi Donor Trust Fund on Sustainable Urbanisation of the World Bank and supported by the UK Department for International Development.


Paul Collier, Anthony J. Venables (2017) Urbanization in developing economies: the assessment

Urbanization in developing economies: the assessment

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Published 5 September 2017