Using village context analysis in Afghanistan: Methods and wider implications

This paper constructs village typologies and outlines a village mapping approach that might help to understand village behaviour


The Afghan National Solidarity Program (NSP) and the planned Citizen’s Charter (CC) were designed to build new relationships of accountability but there is a friction between the technocratic logic that drives program design and the logic and motivations that drive village life. This paper builds on previous research into the use of cluster analysis to construct village typologies and outlines a village mapping approach that might help to understand better village behaviour.

The author argues that fundamental changes to NSP/CC and community-based development approaches are needed, replacing technocratic designs with greater understanding, agility and flexibility in design, implementation and monitoring of interventions.

This research was funded under the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) programme


Pain, A., 2016. Using village context analysis in Afghansitan: Methods and wider implications, Working Paper, London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, 40p

Using village context analysis in Afghanistan: Methods and wider implications

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Published 26 July 2016