Utilising electricity access for poverty reduction. Annex 3 - Case study report: India.
The research presented in this report forms one of two Case Studies
prepared for the project Utilising Electricity Access for Poverty
Reduction. The Case Study seeks to answer, in the Indian context, the
1. What level of electricity access is required to enable and sustain
poverty escape?
2. What constraints, despite increased access to electricity, mean that
people are not able to use that electricity productively? How can they
be removed?
The research was carried out through desk studies of policy and
regulation, consultations with stakeholders involved in electricity
provision and field research focusing on communities touched by four
different electricity access programmes.
Willcox, M.; Waters, L.; Palit, D.; Sharma, K.R. Utilising electricity access for poverty reduction. Annex 3 - Case study report: India. Practical Action Consulting, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, UK (2015) 127 pp.