Violence against women and girls. GSDRC Professional Development Reading Pack No. 32.

This pack gives an overview of violence against women and girls and links to 8 key readings on the topic


This Reading Pack gives an overview of the topic of violence against women and girls, which is listed as including: domestic and intimate partner violence (IPV); sexual violence (including rape); sexual harassment; emotional/psychological violence; sexual violence in conflict; sexual exploitation; and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation/cutting, child, early and forced marriage, honour killings and dowry-related violence. The report links to eight key readings on the topic, and to selected sources of further information.


Fulu, E. Violence against women and girls. GSDRC Professional Development Reading Pack No.32. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2016) 5 pp.

Violence against women and girls. GSDRC Professional Development Reading Pack No. 32.

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Published 1 January 2016