Water quality and management in peri-urban Kumasi, Ghana.


This short paper reports some preliminary results from an investigation of water quality and water use in the peri-urban area around Kumasi, Ghana. The issues focused on here are: (1) an assessment of the consequences of land use practices within peri-urban watersheds around Kumasi; (2) the implications of this for the downstream rural sub-catchment area; (3) development and implementation of ‘good practice’ guidelines to improve awareness and management of water resources.

Presented at the Land-Water Linkages in Rural Watersheds Electronic Workshop 18 September – 27 October 2000.


McGregor, D.F.M.; Thompson, D.A.; Simon, D. Water quality and management in peri-urban Kumasi, Ghana. FAO Land and Water Bulletin 9, Land-water linkages in rural watersheds. (2002) : 5 pp. [Land-Water Linkages in Rural Watersheds Electronic Workshop18 September – 27 October 2000.]

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Published 1 January 2002