What is the evidence on the economic impact of Tanzania’s National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) on smallholder maize famers in Tanzania?

The purpose of this report is to determine the state of the literature, in terms of quantitative and qualitative evidence for this research question


The author found that the evidence on the impact of the NFRA on smallholder maize farmers in Tanzania is scant. In terms of qualitative evidence, it seems that many farmers are unable to access the NFRA and when they do, they receive lower prices for their maize due to the role of traders. Furthermore, due to the NFRA’s budget constraints, many farmers remain unpaid for the produce for months after the harvest despite selling their grains which would be expected to negatively impact the welfare of smallholder farmers. The quantitative evidence suggests that higher prices, not necessarily attributed to the NFRA, increases farmers’ market participation but the welfare impacts of this market participation is not discussed.


Doyle, A. What is the evidence on the economic impact of Tanzania’s National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) on smallholder maize famers in Tanzania? EPS PEAKS, UK (2015) 14p

What is the evidence on the economic impact of Tanzania’s National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) on smallholder maize famers in Tanzania?

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Published 1 November 2015