Why Worry About the Politics of Childhood Undernutrition?

This paper reviews existing literature on nutrition politics and policy


Undernutrition affects over 2 billion people; but most of the global policy focus has been on technical solutions rather than an understanding of nutrition politics. This paper reviews existing literature on nutrition politics and policy. We identify a number of recurring themes surrounding knowledge; politics, and capacities. While the literature on nutrition politics and policy is growing; we demonstrate how there are a number of gaps in our understanding that might be addressed from wider development scholarship on politics and related issues such as power and the state, participation, and accountability.

The work that led to this paper was funded by the Transform Nutrition Research Programme Consortium with UK aid from the Department for International Development.


Nisbett, N.; Gillespie, S.; Haddad, L.; Harris, J. Why Worry About the Politics of Childhood Undernutrition? World Development (2014) 64: 420-433. [DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.06.018]

Why Worry About the Politics of Childhood Undernutrition?

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Published 1 January 2014