Women, Wood and Wildlife - The Role and Involvement of Women in CBNRM in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia.


The aim of this research was to explore the involvement of women in CBNRM [community-based natural resources management] in the Luangwa Valley, with a view to identifying appropriate methods that would improve the participation of women in the conservation of biodiversity. Within this broad aim the study had several objectives. Firstly, to identify women's current natural resource management and their roles and responsibilities in CBNRM. Secondly, to understand how the policies and practices of LIRDP affect women's involvement in CBNRM. Thirdly, to identify the constraints on women's greater involvement and consequent better outcomes. And fourthly, to suggest opportunities and activities to address those constraints which can realistically be overcome. Finally, developing an appropriate methodology for data collection is itself an important objective of the research. Research took place in Zambia between July and October, 1999.


Working Paper No 3, Engendering Eden Project, 33 pp.

Women, Wood and Wildlife - The Role and Involvement of Women in CBNRM in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia.

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Published 1 January 2000