Working Paper 1: Agricultural Growth Corridors on the Eastern Seaboard of Africa: An overview

This paper critically reviews the recent emergence of agricultural growth corridors and other types of corridor with a prominent agricultural component


This Working Paper describes and critically reviews the recent emergence of agricultural growth corridors and other types of corridor with a prominent agricultural component. It offers a descriptive overview and poses some political economy questions. It focuses on four projects on the eastern seaboard of Africa: the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT); the Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor (BAGC); the Nacala development corridor in Mozambique; and the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor based in Kenya.

This work is part of the Agricultural Policy Research Policy in Africa (APRA) Programme


Smalley, R. (2017) ‘Agricultural Growth Corridors on the Eastern Seaboard of Africa: an Overview’ APRA Working Paper 1, Future Agricultures Consortium

Working Paper 1: Agricultural Growth Corridors on the Eastern Seaboard of Africa

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Published 2 October 2017