Working Paper 19. Assessment of budget in the water sector: A case study of two selected woredas in Oromia Regional State (Babile and Goro-Gutu woredas).


Findings of previous case studies in other regional states have revealed poor use of the budget due to low institutional capacity at woreda level and poor budget implementation and control process. Informed by these case studies, and developed in consultation with stakeholders in the region, this research aims to explore how two selected woredas address Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) budget in all stages of the budgeting process.

Furthermore, the paper will explore the extent to which the budget system was open, transparent, participatory, and ensured accountability and equity in addressing the WSS sector. The budget process is frequently weak in stakeholder participation, especially at community level. The Delta Partnership Report on ‘Strengthening financial management within the water and sanitation sector, Ethiopia’ argued that the basis on which funds are allocated (at regional and woreda levels) was often unclear, and that local political and economic factors weighed heavily on spending patterns. The study aims to find ways to make the community and other stakeholders more budget-literate and increase their participation in the budget process.


RiPPLE Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 35 pp. + separate Research Summary.

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Published 1 January 2010