Working Paper 7: Agricultural Commercialisation: Lessons from Asia and Latin America

This paper draws out lessons from experiences of smallholder commercialisation in Asia and Latin America that may be instructive for sub-Saharan Africa


This paper aims to draw out lessons from experiences of smallholder commercialisation in Asia and Latin America that may be instructive for sub-Saharan Africa. It addresses the following questions: To what extent has agriculture in Asia and Latin America been commercialised? What forms of commercialisation have been seen? What scale of farms have been able to commercialise? For smallholders, what kinds of supply chains have been created to link them to markets, as well as to suppliers of inputs and services? What have been the drivers of commercialisation of smallholders? How important have public policies been in shaping the processes seen? What have been the outcomes of smallholder commercialisation? How well-distributed have been the processes and their outcomes? Has smallholder commercialisation contributed to broad-based agricultural and rural development? Have any groups suffered losses from commercialisation by others?

This work is part of the Agricultural Policy Research Policy in Africa (APRA)Programme


Wiggins, Steve. (2018) ‘Agricultural Commercialisation: Lessons from Asia and Latin America’ APRA Working Paper 7, Future Agricultures Consortium

Working Paper 7: Agricultural Commercialisation: Lessons from Asia and Latin America

Published 25 January 2018